Экзаменационные билеты для проведения устной итоговой аттестации по английскому языку выпускников IX класса в 2006-2007 учебном году. - Билет №10 Печать E-mail
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25.01.2010 17:05
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Экзаменационные билеты для проведения устной итоговой аттестации по английскому языку выпускников IX класса в 2006-2007 учебном году.
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Robert Burns (1759—1796) is Scotland's national poet and January 25 — the day of his birth — is always cele­brated in his country and all over the world, with great excitment. The celebrations are going on in every big city and in a small village pub, in every remote cottage with workers and farmers dressed in kilts or in ordinary working clothes.

The love for Burns is indeed a unique phenomenon. Most nations consider political or military men as their national heroes. But Scotland, though she honours the memory of her two great national liberators, William Wallace and Robert Bruce, has adopted a poet as her true hero. Why is it so? I think because Burns' poetry was very much consonant to people's aspirations. It was closely connected with the national struggle of the Scot­tish people for their liberation from English oppression. Burns considered his literary work as his patriotic duty.

Burns wrote many poems in English, but his best verses are written in the dialect of his own country, Ay-shire. His best poems are The Jolly Beggars, Halloween, The Cotter's Saturday Night, Holy Willie's Prayer, To a Mouse, The Two Dogs and others.

Burns travelled a lot about Scotland collecting popular folk songs. Many of his own lyrical poems were put to music. All in all he contributed 2000 songs to the Scots Musical Museum. So Robert Burns is considered to be the creator of the Scottish song. His songs are memorable for extraordinary truthfulness passion and lovely melody. They reflect the people's soul and national character. The Poet's song Oh, My Love is Like a Red Red Rose is one of the most loved lyrical songs. Many of songs he devoted to his wife, the woman who had been the great love of all his life and the in spirator of his numerous verses.

Burns' songs are the soul of music and it is not sur­prising that Beethoven, Schuman, Mendelssohn and others compose music to the poet's verses. Russian composers have also set many of Burns' verses to music. The best known cycle to Burns' songs have been successfully writ­ten by Dmitri Shostakovich, Nikolai Myaskovsky, Juri Levitin, Mark Milman, Victor Oransky and a number of other composers. All songs are based on Marshak's trans­lations which are considered to be the best translations of Burns' poetry into Russian

Обновлено 25.01.2010 17:24
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